Friday, September 30, 2011

Playboy Club - Stop Fooling Yourself


It was actually not the worst show of the fall launch and was a lot cleaner than I thought it would be. It isn't good, I won't keep watching, but it wasn't horrible. But it wasn't the bunny outfits or the sleeze-ball guys, or the generally objetification of women that made me mad. You expect those things going into a show called Playboy Club. What pissed me off was at the very end, the "Hugh Heffner" voice-over says something to the effect of 'at the playboy club women could be anything they want, they had a freedom in the club that they didn't have anywhere else' and the lead female character suddenly imagines herself singing on stage ala Roxy from Chicago. I have no problem with sex, or sexiness, or dressing up like a bunny, or making money off sex. My problem was "Heff" pretending his sex club was anything other than that. You want to dress women up as bunnies and sell their bodies for sex? As long as everyone is consenting, knock yourself out. But don't pretend for one second that you are doing it for the women and their own sense of liberation or empowerment. You are objectifying women for money - period! Be honest with yourself, your customers, and your audience; we are a lot smarter than you think we are. At leadt I hope we are. I think the ending of the show might be the reason for the show's major failure. It hasn't been cancelled quite yet, but don't expect it to be around long. And while the show of couse has it's circle of criticisms (mostly over the mere idea of playboy bunnies) I think that had it been more authentic it would have been more interesting (more tantelizing) and would have keep viewers based largely on the shock value and the scandal. But by trying to make the show (and the whole idea of bunnies) something it isn't (something that was for the benefit of women as opposed to getting guys off), sudiences were turned off. At least I know I was.

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