Saturday, August 14, 2010

Scott Pilgim vs. The World

We went and saw Scott Pilgrim a few days before we left for China. It was really good. I didn't think I would like it because I'm not a huge comic book fan. But the comic is so video game based, that I think I might have enjoyed it more than Seth since I like video games more than he does. I kept watching in each battle to see what is resembled most. "Oh, that's like Mortal Combat!" "Oh! That's Soul Calibur!" "Oh! That's Street Fighter!"

It was also a good family film. It was kind of funny how when people would cuss it would do the black bar across their mouths. It has a good feeling about it. Scott Pilgrim is kind of a cheating douche bag for a large part of the film, so while he is likable, a part of you is really mad at him. But in the end, it all works out and lessons are learned.

What has been interesting is the way that people both who are fans of the comic and those who have never seen it before like it. Movies based on comics usually have one following or the other. Like when Watchmen came out, the people who were fans of the comic were disappointed, but general superhero fans were really impressed. But with this film, it seems to not matter if you are a fan or not, it appeals acorss the board.
I would reccommend this movie to all the geeks, nerds, and gamers out there or anyone who was alive in the 80's.

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